Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) for Soft Tissue Injuries

Shockwave on Achilles Tendon
Shockwave therapy is used to treat many difficult orthopedic conditions, including:

Shockwave therapy on upper traps.
- Plantar fasciitis
- Heel spurs
- Patellar tendinitis (jumper’s knee)
- Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow)
- Medial epicondylitis (golfer’s elbow)
- Thumb basal joint Arthritis
- Tendinitis
- Chronic Inflammation
- Bursitis
- Shin splints
- Morton’ s Neuroma
- Stress Fractures
- Osteoarthritis
- Insertion Tendonopathy
- Epicondylopathy radialis / Ulnaris
- Achilles Tendonitis
- Myofascial Pain Syndromes
- Impingement Syndrome
- Tendon calcifications
- Patellofemoral Syndrome /Achillodynia
- Tibialis anterior Syndrome
What is Shockwave Therapy?
The high-energy acoustic (sound) waves non-surgically penetrate the soft tissues, targeting damaged areas. This helps to stimulate new blood vessel growth (neo-vascularization) and regeneration as well as to finish healing in recent or chronic muscle, tendon or ligament and calcification injuries. These pulses occur for short periods of time, creating micro-cavitation bubbles that expand and burst. The force created by these bubbles penetrates tissue and stimulates cells in the body that are responsible for bone and connective tissue healing.
- 3-4 sessions typically necessary
- *Exercises included*
- Success rate up to 91%
- Non-invasive, non-surgical
- Requires no anesthetic or pain meds
- Coverage under “Chiropractic” Dr. Case’s professional designation
What To Expect On Your First Visit
Dr. Case performs all of the Shockwave Therapy treatments. Treatments may include Active Release, Graston, and/or Rehab when necessary.
The primary area of pain is localized and a skin gel is applied to the treatment area to allow the shock waves to be properly transmitted into the body.
There can be some discomfort during treatment but only lasts on average of 5-6 minutes. For many there is little to no discomfort.
It is recommended that patients refrain from physical activity for light activity in the treated area only for 48 hours after treatment. Treatments are usually done 3-7 days apart depending on the condition.
After Your First Shock Wave Therapy Treatment
After a shock wave therapy session you will most likely be feeling no pain but you may experience light throbbing pain 2-4 hours following the treatment. This throbbing pain may occur for up to 24 to 48 hours. In rare cases, patients may experience temporary skin reddening, pain or worsening of symptoms during the first few days after treatment
Results – Scientific Research:
91% improvement for Calcific Tendonitis
– Journal of American Medical Association, 2003
90% success rate for Plantar Fasciitis
– Foot & Ankle International, 2012
85% success rate for Shin Splints
– American Journal of Sports Medicine, 2010
76% success rate for Achilles Tendinopathy
– The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 2007
8 times more effective for Hamstring Tendinopathy than regular physiotherapy and chiropractic treatment
– The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 2010
Other Research/Articles
- Shockwave for tennis elbow
- Shockwave therapy for plantar fasciitis
- Radial Shockwave therapy for tennis elbow
- Shockwave and knee injury (patellar tendinopathy)
Contra-Indications For Shock Wave Therapy
- Pre-ruptured tendons (greater than 50% tear of myotendinous junction)
- If under the age of 18 (except of the treatment of Osgood-Schlatter or Sever’s Disease)
- During pregnancy
- Cancer or diabetes
- Heart or circulatory problems
- If you have hemophilia or any blood-clotting disorder (including local thrombosis)
- If patient is being treated with oral anticoagulants (blood thinning medications), such as Heparin or Coumadin
- Treatment of tissue with local tumors or local bacterial and/or viral infections
- If a patient has been treated with cortisone injections within the last six (6) weeks
A systematic review of the research
1 ESWT is effective.
2 ESWT is safe.
3 Application of local anesthesia adversely affects outcome of ESWT.
4 An optimum treatment protocol for ESWT appears to be three treatment sessions at 1-week intervals, with 2000 impulses per session and the highest energy flux density that can be applied.
All stated fees are tax exempt with no extra charges or add-ons.
All treatments may include Shockwave, Active Release, Graston, Rehab, Laser and/or Chiropractic depending on type/nature, phase and severity of injury. All treatments included in fees below.
- New Patient: $150 (30 minutes)
- initial consultation, assessment and treatment
- Follow-up treatment (single): $78 (15 minutes)
- Follow-up treatment (double): $150 (30 minutes)
- extra time for multiple soft tissue areas and/or modalities)
- Previous Patient/New Injury: $150 (30 minutes)
- consultation, assessment and treatment
- Orthotics: $490 (includes)
- assessment, biomechanical evaluation and casting
- Parking*: Free (in the parkade* and on Highbury St.)
- Rehab program as needed: Free (following assessment/treatment)
NOTE: We do NOT directly bill MSP, DISABILITY, ICBC, or WCB. Please keep your receipt and submit directly to them for reimbursement.
We can Direct Bill for the following companies/extended health plans:
Pacific Blue Cross, Canada Life, Great West Life, Manulife Financial, Group Health, Group Source, Sunlife, Desjardins Financial, First Canadian, Chambers of Commerce Group, Johnson Inc. or Johnson Group.
We can direct bill (all or a percentage of your appointment fee depending on your coverage). Please contact your provider for all details regarding your coverage as we do not know the specific details of your plan. You can pay any remaining balance (if any) with your credit or debit card.
- Dr. Case’s office is located within Body and Soul (entrance near 10th and Highbury St. (off Highbury)). Once inside, please go to the left of the front desk and down past gym (2 sets of 3 stairs each). Waiting room is just to left of last set of stairs. Please wait here and Dr. Case will let you in at your appointment time.
- *Parking garage (parking garage code (back alley): 7149 – off back alley in ANY of the spots reserved for Body and Soul.